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18-Inch (4-7 yr. old)

When you're too big for a 16" but too small for a 20", the Shredder 18 fills the void. The low profile alloy frame and 18" alloy rim wheels bridge the size gap for growing riders who are sized in between the 16" and 20" models.
BMX/Freestyle is deeply rooted in the DNA of our brand and that will never change. Introducing the worlds very first freestyle specific frame and fork to an emerging sport is something that we are very proud of, nearly as much as being the leading brand in freestyle 35 years later. Today BMX is not only a sport, it’s a lifestyle. It’s a choice you make to be a part of, a way you choose to express yourself, and it’s the way you find your freedom. Haro builds a broad range of BMX freestyle bikes that help you do just that, from Pro builds all the way down to slightly more affordable yet fully capable machines. We have always had the best professional riders on our bikes which makes for a great research and development team (minus the white lab coats-see Team). The result? See for yourself!
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